陳慧琳《 Lover's Concerto 》這首陳慧琳所演唱的 《Lover's Concerto 》是電影「安娜瑪德蓮娜」插曲,我沒有看過電影,但室內裝潢是 Kelly 的聲音很輕柔,很好聽 *How gentle is the rain, that falls softly on the meadow. Birds high up on the 設計裝潢trees, serenade the clouds with their melodies.* Repeat * Oh! See there beyond the hill, the bright colors 系統傢俱of the rainbow. Some magic from above. Made this day for us, just to fall in love. You'll hold me in your 系統家具arms, and say once again you'll love me. And that your love is true, everything will be just as wonderful. 景觀設計 Now, I belong to you, from this day until forever. Just love me tenderly and I'll give to you every part of 建築設計me. Oh! Don't ever make me cry, through long lonely nights without us. Be always true to me, keep this day 借貸 in your heart eternally. You hold me in your arms, and say once again you love me. And that your love is true, 票貼 everything will be just as wonderful. 這首 《Lover's Concerto 》的音樂來自巴哈, 兒歌《老烏鴉》也以此填詞: 宿霧 老烏鴉,年紀老飛不動,跳不高躲在窩裡呀呀叫,呀呀叫! 小烏鴉,身體好捉到蟲,找到肉送給媽媽吃個飽,吃個飽。 兩首歌巴里島曲的意境差很多喔!

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