李慶安雙國籍無罪網路發抗議 但如此的判決,也引發網友不滿,發起發起抗議恐龍法官判決李慶安無罪的向日葵運動,有網友連聲抗議,有網友要他還錢,發起不到三小時已經有近兩百人連署,朝野立委對於判決結果,跟人民期待有落差 民進黨 透過發言人,更是批評法院判決荒謬放水。http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/110823/11/2xem7.html When you accuse someone, 東森房屋 you have to make sure that accuser can have more power of honesty than that be accused.Anyone dare 抗議, he or she must have to prove to have more power of honesty than me- this Chinese American USA citizen Kuei-Ying Wang Lin; you sucking shameless brainless 網路行銷 cold cold hard immoral liar 民進黨 dare abuse your sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard special interested grouped "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong" liars to commit the crimes of "obstruction of justice" and "Duck.Lwall.Sway.Go" to attack a powerless forceless desperate innocent Chinese 好房網 or Chinese American woman on purposely to take away that Chinese or Chinese American woman must deserved loser's peaceful life, then, do not blame USA must show you how they can do the most righteous duty to send U.S.Military to kill all of you sucking 民進黨 openly or darkly (Why USA can have ri 面膜 ght to do that kill darkly in Taiwan? So that to show China Communist that USA has no intention to invade Taiwan in any way.). Even U.S. sucking liar Bill Clinton must have to respect the Court's decision to welcome Bush junior moving into White House; you sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard immoral liar 民進黨 燒烤 dare tool your sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard immoral slaved "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong" to try to choke a innocent powerless forceless desperate Chinese woman or Chinese American woman in front of public eyes, you sucking shameless brainless immoral cold cold hard 民進黨 more deserve to be killed than US liar Bill Clinton and his suckin 系統傢俱g co-liar Hillary Clinton.ChenSwayBen? He and his all blood tie cannot act like already die (Had that sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard immoral liar ChenSwayBen and all his sucking blood tie showed best will to hide like die sincerely, then, who care where how he and they are! ), dare keep showing up or off, not mention to run for any office like his sucki 酒店打工ng son (What difference between Bush senior's son and ChenSwayBen's son? Bush senior's son did not move in White House along with Bush senior and Bush Senior did not stayed inside White House to a full 8 years [Why years matter? Because it can tell how he rather hide than hi.] , did not like your sucking ChenSwayBen's son to see your President House and President House 借貸workers like his own private servants. This may explain how come no First Class American indeed showed care JFK's son killed after he showed intention to run for Senator. This is how US liar Bill Clinton's co-liar Hillary Clinton must be killed for the crime she already committed run for US Senator. You sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard immoral liar ChenSwayBen's son followin 結婚g USA low lower lowest to run for public office, more deserve to be killed than sucking US liar Bill Clinton's sucking co-liar Hillary Clinton.) showed, all his wife his mother his mother in law his daughter his daughter in law his son his son in law must all be killed immediately. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 澎湖民宿 .
- Mar 02 Fri 2012 03:13